Marcus Barricelli -
Thursday - 3:30 onwards
Marcus Barricelli is a vocal and guitar specialist from Adelaide. Starting music at a young age lead him to become a full time musician as soon as he was able to perform in pubs. He has a firm theoretical knowledge and years of experience in live performance. Marcus has graduated the Elder Conservatorium of Adelaide University with a bachelor of Music - Jazz Performance and since then has been tutoring students at some of Adelaide's finest schools. He has performed for audiences Australia wide with projects such as the award winning 'Feelin Groovy' Simon & Garfunkel tribute. Other shows he is involved in include, Night Fever, The Fab Four, Breezin, The Baker Boys to name a few.
As a singer / songwriter he has a passion for seeing new musicians perform and will always be supportive of a students needs and goals - wether it's playing to thousands of people around the world, or a few around a campfire.
As a singer / songwriter he has a passion for seeing new musicians perform and will always be supportive of a students needs and goals - wether it's playing to thousands of people around the world, or a few around a campfire.